Trust Your Intuition

Most of us businesspeople have great ideas from time to time. The typical response to our good ideas is to seek lots of affirmation.

In the pursuit of affirmation, businesspeople reach out to their friends to get feedback. There are two big problems with this.

First, your friends don’t understand your business very well, and their feedback will have limited to no value. In fact, their feedback could send you in the wrong direction.

Second, though subconscious, many of your friends really don’t want you to be so successful that you could buy a bigger home or pull into your driveway in a new Mercedes. Most people have fragile egos, and their response to your great idea may be heavily influenced—subconsciously—by that fragile ego.

There are only two sources to really trust when seeking feedback.

First, trust your intuition. Most people think they only have five physical senses: touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. You also have perception senses, including intuition, peace, foresight, trust and empathy. Practice using your perception senses. The key to “hearing your perception senses” is to quiet all the other physical senses and listen to your “inner voice.” For some this may be prayer. For others it may be meditation. The key isn’t what you call it. The key is to be still and listen.

Second, trust people far more successful than you. Successful people will not have their egos threatened by your potential success. In fact, their ego will be well served if their advice helps make you more successful.

You know yourself the best. You know your idea the best. Trust your intuition.

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